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New CREDO project - ESMERALD: Enhancing SMEs’ Resilience After Lock Down

credo engCREDO participated in the kick-off meeting of the project ESMERALD - Enhancing SMEs' Resilience After Lock Down on June 23, 2021. The project is funded through the Erasmus + program of the European Commission and will be implemented by a consortium of seven partners from Poland. Croatia, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Spain under the leadership of the University of Economics Krakow.

In the post-Covid period, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be among the most affected parts of the economy and will require appropriate operational support, tools and training. Existing entrepreneurial systems and educational programs are only partially ready to respond to the challenges of the period ahead. In this context, ESMERALD will conduct an analysis of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the European SME sector and the economic policy response to the pandemic challenges in order to identify the specific needs of the sector during the recovery period. The project will develop SME training programs in the field of innovative business models and entrepreneurial skills that will be publicly and free of charge available to all interested parties and will be applicable to various environments throughout the European Union. Based on all implemented activities, the project will produce a policy document with guidelines for economic policy makers. As part of the project, the CREDO will participate in the implementation of all activities and will be in charge of coordinating the development of the final policy document.

The project lasts 2 years and has a total value of 228,978 EUR. The leader of project activities in front of the CREDO is assoc. prof. Nebojša Stojčić, and the project team includes CREDO researchers assoc.prof. Katija Vojvodić, assoc.prof. Perica Vojinić and assist.prof. Marija Bečić.

For more visit: credo.unidu.hr

Projekt traje 2 godine i ukupne je vrijednosti 228.978 EUR. Voditelj projektnih aktivnosti ispred centra CREDO je izv.prof.dr.sc. Nebojša Stojčić, a projektni tim čine i istraživačice centra izv.prof.dr.sc. Katija Vojvodić, izv.prof.dr.sc. Perica Vojinić i doc.dr.sc. Marija Bečić.

Više informacija na credo.unidu.hr