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PATHFINDER - New project to promote AI skills in higher education

Pressemitteilung Pathfinder StartCentre for Research of Digital Transformation CREDO launched the Erasmus+ project 'Pathfinder' in cooperation with the LAB University of Applied Sciences in Finland, the University of Liechtenstein and the formatio private school in Liechtenstein aimed on the understanding and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education.

By using strategic guidelines, AI-based tools and tailored learning programs, teachers and students will be equipped with the necessary resources and knowledge to responsibly and effectively integrate AI into the teaching and learning process. Project includes the development of a teacher support framework, an AI-powered lesson planning toolkit, and a competency-based learning program for students. These tools aim to improve employability, promote innovation and strengthen the resilience of the European education community.

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Round table "Digital skills in the third age"

BOOMER title photoOn Monday, June 12, 2023, BOOMER project consortium organised round table “Digital skills in the third age” and presentation of project results at the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb. BOOMER aims to improve the digital skills of third age population, to bridge the intergenerational digital gap and enable the active participation of older people in everyday activities. Over 100 retirees, members of the group that BOOMER is intended for, visited the event.

The results of the project were presented by prof. Nebojša Stojčić, project coordinator and director of the UNIDU CREDO research center. As he pointed out, according to the share of people of the third age with digital skills, Croatia is below the European Union average, and this population group is more exposed to the risk of disinformation, financial fraud, identity theft and similar risks in the digital environment.

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Erasmus+ „good practice" label to the ESSENCE project

During its final evaluation, project " Enhance Soft Skills to Nurture Competitiveness and Employability - ESSENCE" was awarded the label "example of good practice" by the Polish Erasmus+ national agency

“Good practice” is the label awarded by Erasmus + National Agency  to the projects that have been particularly well managed and can be a source of inspiration for others.

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